

This has been my blog since 2012. However, I stopped writing in 2016.

Now, I have picked up this hobby of mine, and am currently organizing everything. Most of the pages are still under construction, but you can still read the blogs in the page.

Hope you check out the new content soon.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.

Jeremiah 17:7

Blog posts

The body remembers

When I was a baby, I was raised by a nanny. Apparently, the nanny hit me, and made me eat my own vomit. My therapist says that I may be suffering from the effects of such traumatic events. I have no recollection of the event whatsoever, just from stories, but the body remembers. When I…

Voices of my head

I don’t think anyone will ever understand what I am thinking of. I, myself, don’t understand. I wonder why, the times before, I never felt this way. I was drive so full of passion. Was. Where had that gone? Was it ever truly there? He will leave you. One day. He said it himself. Why…

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